A Guide/A Passion
Last Sunday, I visited the AMS service and, interestingly, the messagae was about using your talents. I finally met Lance Tracy. His documentary of the church in Mexico in 2003 inspired my documetary on Cambodia, which took me 3 years to start the editing process and 3 days to finish. The raw footage was done in 2003, but between then and the editing process in Febuary of 2006, I had to save up for a computer, take an editing class, and wait for the right inspiration to complete the job. I'm very proud to have finished and hope to be doing more in the future. A piece that I really want to do is on Rwanda. If it's God's will for me to visit the country during my journey, it'd be really cool. God seems to give me a passion especially for war-torn countries and ones that had gone through a genocide. Something so tragic, so horrific really draws me toward it. In the mean time, Lance suggested that I should video tape the churches and put them up on my site or submit them to Roger Lamb on Disciples Today as a way to use my talent to advance the kingdom. I don't even know what's going to come about as a result. Pray for me. Will see...
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